Thursday, January 26, 2017

What is your favorite drink?

My favorite drink right now is sweet tea.  I'm a southerner though and through.  I think un-sweet tea is just colored water.  (I don't like water.)  Sweet tea is great at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as all throughout the day.

I also like juices and smoothies.  I'm not a tart flavor fan.  I tend to stay away from most berries.  I have a smoothie place near my house, and it's not a good thing for our bank account.  Oops.

I have another love that I enjoy in the afternoons.  Moscato D'Asti Wine!  It's my favorite wine.  I love how sweet it is, and that it's a bubbly kind.  I drink regular Moscato, but the kind from the D'Asti region of Italy.

What is your favorite drink?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What are you looking for from life?

What are you looking for from life?  Wow.  That's deep.
I guess I'm looking for happiness and love.  I know this life isn't all that's available to me.  I believe in Heaven, and that this life is just a temporary thing.  From my life, I hope to please God and to do His will.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The 45th Presidential Inauguration

I just got though watching the Inauguration of President Trump. As a Christian, I'm totally excited for our country right now!  I feel like if the other candidate had won the election, I'd be scared to death today.  I have to admit that I don't fully understand ALL of what Pres. Trump said at that podium, but I liked the gist of it!

The thing I don't understand about people is, why would you hope, or wish, our president to fail?  If that were to happen, we'd all fail as a nation.   Which means YOU would fail.
I also don't understand the ridiculous protests.  So your candidate didn't win, try again in 4 years.  Friendly, kind, peaceful protests to try to voice your opinion are a wonderful thing that we've been given privilege to through the Constitution, but not the protests where people burn the flag, or disrespect the nation.  You're just making yourself look childish to damage things and hurt others in protest because you didn't get what you wanted.  I blame parents.  I hope my kids understand that when things don't go your way, you hold your head up, and make the best of what you're dealt with.

Last thought: Facebook.  I'm really not liking it right now.  People share things others have posted, with a feeling of, "yea, take that Trump fans".  Others post stuff like "stuff it Democrats, how do you like it now".  Really, people?  Where's the love and compassion we're all called to show the rest of humanity???

My prayer for this nation is that it would become united Under God!

I will step off my soapbox now.  I have had this on my heart, but I didn't feel that Facebook was the correct platform to lay out all I wanted to say.  That's why I have this blog.  As far as I know, I'm the only one reading this, and that's completely fine.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

My current favorite website is _____________.

My current favorite website is ___________.

I have to say it's Pinterest.  I am in the process of planning my son's birthday party AND my mother-in-law's retirement party the same weekend.  I need all the Pinterest tips and ideas I can get!!  I've got the most delicious recipes from that website, and I've even uploaded some of our favorites to the site too!
  It can get a little time consuming.  Sometimes I don't realize just how long I've been on the site until I reach the bottom of the page!
What is your favorite website?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Best part of today was _________.

The best part of today was ____________.

It's still early, but  I have to say that the best part of today was that Bubba started his Gifted and Talented Class at his school!  I'm so proud of him!  When he first started classes at this new school (a few years ago), I pursued the Gifted and Talented (GT) program.  They said "he's not ready for this program at this time".  Last year, I did the same, and got the same response.  I decided that this year, I will let it go and not push it.  Before Thanksgiving, we got a letter saying he's a candidate.  I had to write a paper on him, fill out forms, he was interviewed, and they took his CogAT scores.  We got the letter Friday that he was accepted.  We returned the forms, signed, yesterday.  Today begins a new journey for him!

I cannot WAIT for him to get home from school to tell me all about it!!!

The only bad part, is that my daughter (Bug) is feeling a little bitter that her little brother is getting to be in this program and she's not.  I have to remember that she's MY daughter.  I wasn't ever in classes like these.  I had friends that were, but it was never ME.  My husband, however, was always in these higher level classes.  I guess Bubba got it from his daddy!

What are you grateful for?

So today isn't the 17th, but I was SUPER busy yesterday.  I will catch up today!

What am I grateful for?  Funny, last night I remembered the old song "Count your blessings, name them one by one..."  I thought to myself, "I really should do that!" And now, here's my entry with the question What am I grateful for?!  God's got humor!

So I will name by blessings today, one by one:
1. God and his gift of Jesus  2. Jesus and his gift of salvation and eternal life   3. My husband   4. My babies   5. My parents and brother   6. My grandparents   7. My in-laws   8. My home   9. My car   10. Clothing   11. Electricity/heat/air   12. Food and water   13. My kids teaches   14. That I can stay home   15. My husbands job   16. I earn $ watching my friend's kid   17. Pets that make us feel extra loved   18.My bed   19. Bug's hobbies   20. Bubba's new found hobby   21. The friends I have though my kids hobbies   22. Medicines to keep me alive    23. Soap, shampoo, conditioner, and deodorant!   24. Changes in weather   25. My glasses/contacts

I feel like I could just keep going and going. A top 25 is a great start!

What are you grateful for???

Friday, January 13, 2017

What's for dinner?

What's for dinner?

I found some HUGE pork chops at Costco a few days ago - and they were on sale!  SCORE!!  So, I pan fried those giant puppies with Lawry's seasoning (and that's it!)  We also had bacon and cheese mashed potatoes, and corn. I made crescent rolls to go with it.  Y'all, my kids are extremely picky, but they ate more than me and my hubby!!  I'd say it was a total hit!!

We have quite a few "normals" in our dinner rotation, and we typically stick with those.  When I try new things I risk my kids not eating.  This dinner, however, will become a new normal!

What's for dinner at your home??  Comment below.